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Up Next in 3: The 13 Compound Vowels: 8 Diphthongs, 5 Triphthongs

  • 020 OOR as in Poor

    The final lip diphthong is:

    20 OOR as in “poor”.

    This is the short monophthong “oo” as in “book” followed by the neutral vowel “uh” as in “actor”. For my U.K. students, I call this sound the “Carry On” vowel because so many characters in those old comedy movies could be frequently heard to ex...

  • 021 IRE as in Fire

    The Triphthongs are nice and easy to close with - they are 5 of the diphthongs with the neutral vowel at the end:

    EYE followed by uh gives us: IRE as in “fire”

  • 022 OUR as in Power

    This triphthong can also be shortened to just AH as in o.u.r as in “are country” - the full sound is “our”: “our country”.